Scanning with Nmap scripts

Our CTO, Bojan Zdrnja, wrote an interesting new ISC diary about scanning with a whole range of scripts made for the popular port scanner Nmap Thanks to the NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) ever popular port scanner Nmap has actually become far more than a "regular" port scanner. With over 600 scripts (Lua is used as a scripting language), Nmap can today do a whole set of small miracles.

As Bojan Zdrnja (CTO, pen test team leader, Internet Storm Center Handler, SANS Certified Instructor, holder of more SANS certificates than fits on the business card) is relentless with penetration tests that he does on a daily basis, he's gone through a few of the scrips he uses. In his latest ISC diary he's divided them into three categories – SSL/TLS testing, SMB testing, and HTTP scripts, and outlined their most important functionalities.

If you are interested in penetration testing, you can find this extremely interesting reading here.